— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My neighbor, pregnant police investigator Daska is terrorized by calls from the Moscow city court.She was in the development of a pedophile-rape a 5-year-old daughter for 2 years.She told him in the interrogation that if he was to shut up, she would put him in a cockroach and there his eggs will be turned off quickly.
So this fool complained to her that she was putting psychological pressure on him and on Monday to hear Daska called to give testimony :crazy: %)
She already said that in the decree, so she is still sought out of the court.I say, tell you, that the doctor did not allow you to drive far.
What kind of civilized country do we have? :roll: Investigators on the first complaint to the interrogation are called.With the fact that all the episodes are proven and shines this fool 12 years or older-he is the second time on this article goes

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna