It’s terrible to imagine if my children, for example, don’t watch and never hear a phrase like “Luke, I’m your father.”
Night_knock (00:06:17 30/09/2008)
Do not say...
I don’t know the story of Mario.
Oh my God!! They will never throw balls from the mouse who else!!!! to
UnNickedTM (00:12:05 30/09/2008)
They will not play in "electronics"
UnNickedTM (00:12:12 30/09/2008)
Maybe even in Tetris.
Night_knock (00:12:40 30/09/2008)
They will not rub scratched discs with soap and smash green so that they start again.
UnNickedTM (00:12:52 30/09/2008)
I remember such a case...
Night_knock (00:12:58 30/09/2008)
The poor future.