— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dreams come true and not come true.

Yuri Antonov plans to request from Apple the maximum possible amount of compensation, which is 5 million rubles for the composition. Since 90 works of the singer were sold on iTunes, the total amount of compensation could amount to 450 million rubles.
“We received a response that Antonov’s music to the store was provided by third-party content providers – Routenote/Insomnia Ltd. and Believe SAS. There the money was paid as royalties from the sale of works belonging to Yuri Antonov. For example, the company Believe SAS received a reward of 41 rubles 40 copies for the entire time of the album placement, the company RouteNote Ltd – $ 1.24”, – commented the CEO of RAO Sergey Fedotov.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna