— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Gardening, 6 hectares, under Peter. The man found several shells on the site, called the militia, came, hung the flags, announced that the sappers would be, but - not immediately, and until then - the shells should not be touched, no one to let them, etc., and so on. A day, a week, a month passes, the man and his family are already accustomed to the shells, they are somehow familiar, but these are shells, and their place is not in the country, but in the field, and the sappers do not go and do not go. Tired of this man, he took carefully this gift to the doorstep of the local administration - and the police came, and the sappers, and quickly what was needed - did. Morality: interaction with the Russian state requires wisdom and courage.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna