— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hey Misha, you didn’t have to eat the elephant oats. But I just tried. It was boring in the community, let me think I will fly with a friend for a weekend. It’s done, so you have to go for a meeting. Sally, here suddenly the door opens and his wife declares (she worked as a chef at the Nants). Well, what do you do without a snack, she counted right from the threshold, Jura go down to the garden, I brought two bags of liver with my tongue there. We broke in the bag, there are two bags. I light, so I am the lighthouse, and my friend unleashes my bags. He unleashed, pulled his hand into the bag and got out of there a deer penis, got into the second bag, there is the same nonsense. It was necessary to see his expression of the face, as he stood and in astonishment looked at the deer's reproductive organs, turning them in front of his own nose. Then he with a decisive and outrageous look, holding a member in his hand, decidedly broke home to arrange a break-up. You who, right from the threshold, he said, two bags of uev brought and feed me with them you are going to? My wife also made it, but I immediately guessed where the bags came from. Upon arrival home, during unloading, the bags were confused in a hurry - her bags were apparently caught by someone from the Nance, and she got them. In the hants this delicacy is considered to be here they and their pearls home. In general, she burned us this delicacy, we ate it. No, it looks like a sausage, this is just a hole in the middle.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna