— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remember a similar case all my life. Once in a hot summer we went to the country on a suburban electric car. Suddenly, without any stations, the electricity stopped. Two motorists came out of it, quickly escaped down the slope from the railway, bathed in the lake, then returned to the electric car and we went on.

by Dada. Everything was so. I was on duty at that race. They told me so straight and said: "Our officer! A hundred and thirty! We stop here for 5-10 minutes all the movement on the branch. You are there on the schedule, if it is a fine from you, for stopping the turn. We are a buyer!! Do not forget to warn that in the middle of the race is a composition with passengers. Warn all who follow us! And if they will be outraged, then we, the machinery-shoppers, will take them off! Yes, switch the lights all over the line."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna