— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Strangely enough, the man is with his head. This is the baby whom to give birth - she has a program, to reproduce. and the man wants an heir, he clings to the last crumbs of hope - and suddenly the doctor was wrong, well, is it so?
He needs the same headache as you. The normal men have long been struggling with an heir, they have a program to leave their genetic code. Only the losers thirst for an heir, who have nothing more to boast than their son. Fuck it, everyone has their complexes. But to carry the brain to a pregnant woman, which can not be worried at all - it is, of course, smart. In the 21st century, everyone has long known that constant stress during pregnancy undermines the immune system of the child at the root. Or, if he is not an inheritor, let him be sick. Maybe he will die faster, can the boy get angry?
Yes and at all. He wants to have an heir. Is there a woman here??? There are no male chromosomes in her genome. How can it affect the gender of the child???? to

The conclusion – grandmothers, be smarter, protect yourself. You can fuck with whoever you want, but to give birth - strictly from adequate men!!! Let these fools go away!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna