— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was a story about a punk who tried not to think of himself as a


And I’m also very sorry that these people who walk around apartments with questions about

Relationship with religion,

never publish at least part of those answers to their standard

The question. After all, I am more than sure, in 9 out of 10 cases they are sent, and sometimes

Very inventive...

Actually the history.

A long time ago, when the Mormons (they are such, characteristic, with white shirts,

Cravats and funny backpacks have just begun to appear.

the streets, and together with the rest of the Adventists and even with them, began to ask

The main question.

That day, I and Shurine were sitting with me and I was completely inventive.

I would even say, banally, they drank vodka. Simply so, without a reason.

And their purpose, as I remember, was only to get drunk. Sometimes happens

Because of the summer heat, they were dressed exclusively.

and fragmentary. Shurin was in a flowery family and a police fur. I am

Without a headdress, but in training.

Here is a bell at the door. I open, stand two, white shirts, cravates

And funny bags. I see, stunned, gambling from the upcoming discussion in

Their eyes blink, they see that there is no light. It really stands at the door.

a dark, half-clothed and heavily subdued man, and because of his shoulder

It looks like the second, also not in the smoking, and a haircut on the head. However,

They start to learn. Not very flexible in this regard.

I think I’ll scare you a little... I’ll take my neighbor with my left hand.

the tip of the tie, starting at the same time to swing the right... Shurin

(who, as it became clear, understood all this and decided to play) hangs

I have the words on my hand: "Stop, let’s question first! andquot;

In general, I had to go for another one, because when they remembered how

Those little boys with pale faces, carried down the stairs, we

We started to roar so much that the whole hole flew away from us. and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna