— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We live together with our wife. She, like any woman in my opinion and taste, is very attentive to her appearance. Therefore, in the bathroom we have all shelves and cabinets fitted with creams, shampoos, balsams, etc. Recently obtained soap-shredder (in soap a small kind of unknown hard crumb). Since then, there have been two soaps in the soap machine: normal and abnormal.
Today, sitting at work in front of the computer, I went to the bath late at night. I turn on the shower, stand, think of high matters, slowly fall asleep. Parallel to this, I stretch my hand to the soap machine, grab the first soap and start washing the causal spot... Now I know from my own experience the meaning of the phrase “wiping my ass with a sling,” but it’s even worse.
P.S His wife roasted long and with tears. I promised to hide this hell away.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna