— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fursov said that in the wake of the slaying, the Japanese explained the peculiarities of their mentality - the Americans won, so they are vassals and must obey. If the 'Segun' weakens and loses authority, the vassal treaty ceases and it will be possible to tick the 'Segun' a little in the back with a samurai sword. The Bushido Code.
But the Japanese did not defeat the Americans, but the Soviet Union?
Killer of the Half-End: It’s all difficult there. While the USSR was throwing the Quantum Army in Manchuria, the US was throwing the peacekeepers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The results are impressive. In Manchuria, the Japanese lost 84,000. Soldiers are killed. And in Hiroshima and Nagasaki more than 200 thousand. killed civilians. Not counting the same many later curved from radiation disease.
And so yes, of course, Stalin is a man-eater, and the USSR is an empire of evil.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna