— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are no bad children. There are stupid parents (C) Dad.

The same applies to dogs. Another sect of humiliated and offended fucking.

P.S. I was driving on a electric car on Saturday night. Electricity is nearby, population - 1 person per compartment. A miracle judo with three trailers clings to Vichino and goes straight to me. After a large-scale swing of spots into clothes and a flash survey on the subject of the desire to swing (for the whole car itself), all three are given tablets, and all three are wrestling three different games with maximum volume. You can guess how beautiful it was. When I polently clarified whether the lady knew that headphones were invented before her birth, and whether she would not want to introduce this achievement to the electronics of her children, I was called a bitch and a detoon hater. The surrounding population was divided 50/50 into supportive and sympathetic (gender and age).
I will remember millions of such cases in my life. And always "go fse nahui,ya fairy".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna