— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are people coming to Europe who say that God is the central figure for us. Europeans have been on the road since the Renaissance. They say, yes, it’s very important, but it’s very personal. The church is separated from the state. And then the analysis begins, and what made this person leave, conditionally speaking, Algeria or Syria and come here. And it turns out that this person actually wanted money, work, predictability, security, safety, medical care, beautiful girls and normal communication, football. That is, it turns out, the tolerance of the Western society arranges him in everything, except for one thing – in this society they do not honor his god. So why do you leave a place where nothing threatens your God? Where, I assure you, there is no single cartoonist. And here is this conflict, you can sit in a cafe and argue on these topics, and you can see what we saw yesterday, these one and a half million people in Paris.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna