— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Medications that are prohibited from driving for obvious reasons

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Name of drugs where can I find out? Google does not know.

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And what exactly do you need, from impotence or for breast growth? I hope, anyway, the first) But in any case - consult your doctor first) I read (first link to Google):

Viagra is
Side Actions :
Headache, blood flow to the face, dizziness, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, visual impairment (change of color of objects (blue/green), increased perception of light, impaired clarity of vision).

Yes, you can’t drive with such sideways. They sit down, because. I need to take it for an hour - "what do I have there with her, an hour in the car in front of the house?" and "just until I get there". Here you are preparing a person for amputation, because his leg is similar to a crochet and evenly distributed throughout the salon, and he does not understand everything - "what is wrong?";

You are not even able to google, that is, talk about the instructions to read and think about the consequences. And then I have to write all kinds of cultural shit in your medical card, and not an honest "dollboy". And well, if I - in the card, not a colleague - the certificate of your death to fill. When people understand that another pill is serious. Do not regret other people’s lives, regret your own.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna