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The witch

In Kiev, all the babies who sit on the bazar are witches.
by N.V. Gogol

My friend, Gena, went with his wife, Marina, to the country to the elderly, to meet the New Year.
They have not been there for three months, and during this time, the long-awaited squad finally opened.
Estacade is a good thing, but for the first time without a half-liter, you will not be able to figure out - where and when to turn it? In short, my friends were a little bit on the “meeting” and, of course, immediately rushed to the hunter, and as you know - the hunters before the New Year are especially fierce and ruthless:

Captain Snowden. Let’s get the documents and go, e-e-e, Gennady Viktorovich, into the patrol car, to design your ride along the lane of opposite traffic.

Gene, hopefully looking at his wife, got out of the car and followed the captain.
Five minutes passed, the conversation did not stick, the inspector wanted such an immense amount of money, which made him a virtually honest person. Gene, of course, as he could argue, traded: “Comrade Captain, well – it’s somehow too much. Fear God, you didn’t go to work for me alone.”
But the inspector made it clear that the bargain here was not appropriate and began mercilessly to get the pencil with the forms, as suddenly Marina looked into the door and said:

“No, no, Gen, go out, I’ll talk to him myself.

Gene breathed out relievedly: "Well, finally the heavy artillery arrived" and pleased to leave the car.
The captain, brushing his brush in his teeth, whispered and said:

Is that what has just begun? What do you want to offer me that your husband could not offer? Joke aside, go into your car and bring the driver back to me. He broke, and we will deal with him.

But Marina didn’t even shuffle, as if she didn’t listen to the captain. She sat down, carefully examined his face, then, without tearing away her gaze, whisked down and said:

Man makes his own fate, because his whole life depends only on his own choice.
“Woman, good already, I said, leave the patrol car!

But Marina did not react, but continued:

Do you know how smart people differ from fools? Only because the fools make the wrong choice. As they say, there is nothing easier than having a hard life. And you, Captain, are now facing a very important life choice.
Don’t worry, I’m at work. To force you out?
"Captain, if you weren't such a fool, you't have shot your beloved dog, it could still be cured, there were all the chances.

Captain Snegirev murmured with his mouth open, sat down a little and with a false calm in his voice asked:

How do you know about my dog?
Long to explain. I’m, as if it’s more understandable, an extrasensitive, a witch, a witch, well, or, in your case, a wicked witch. I know what happened to a man, and I see what will happen. And to you, Snegirev, I will give a free advice: - throw away your nonsense, invade before it is too late for the ulcer, chronic prostatitis and stop your pastures with the teens. Thou thou! The ugliness! This will not lead to good at all. You will become impotent.
How about your aunt...?
As well as the resuscitation because of the burned cognac. In short, man you are not yet quite finished, if, of course, you take the mind, and if you do not get married, you will end up as your poor dog, and maybe even worse.
You remember the saying of Zoo: “Be careful of yourself, be careful...”
Can you find out anything else?
- No, you can't, the free reception is over, and for the paid you have neither money nor health enough.
And now think and choose, Snegirev: - you will now wish us a happy way, and I will wish you good health and good luck in the new year, or - you are depriving my husband of his rights and I will wish you something completely different...?
Why are you so? Thank you very much for the conversation. Here, take documentaries, happy journey, all the goods and happiness in the new year. Try not to disturb anymore. Sorry for the delay, service.


I would like to cut this story on such a glorious, mysterious note, but it would not be fair to you, Dear Reader.
You can argue for a long time about the existence of witches, witches and extrasensors, but I have to say only one thing - there are smart wives in nature and Marina is just one of them.

The focus is that Marina's younger brother serves in the GIBDD in the rank of a starley.
In fact, Gene doesn't drink while driving and never jumps in front of the electric car, so Marina only twice in a difficult minute turned to her brother for help. This is such a hopeless case.
When Gene and the inspector went into the patrol car, Marina quickly called Brother:

But, with the coming, give it up! In short, we are now caught and pushed for a “meeting”. Captain Snegirev, from your kind of battalion.
The snow? Fuck, but not that. From mine he is from mine, but here I am not your assistant. We are damned enemies. Don’t even think she’s my sister. If he learns, he will deprive Genus of the entire coil, and also on me the "reclamation" runs that he tried, say, to pressure, hide a relative and all that. Well you understand. No one loves him, the ugly man. Sorry sister, I can’t help you.
Oh, it is bad how. Guess, guess, and you can at least tell me quickly about it – What? When is? What differentiated?
- In principle, I can, if necessary - this villain, you can imagine, recently shot his dog, instead of taking it to the veterinarian, apparently regretted the money.
And also he...


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