Discussions about Donatello’s book:
In fact, it is not possible for me to find out the following: Äàíèëìíìîìáããåèèèèïèèèêéé ñòòòùïîîîèèèèèèéé ñòò Óèèäåää êã îîíííüûãããäíåíèíííííïíííííííííííèèèèèííî Ìîë áóêîêë ãåêî #238;ñòíîìèëàñüåíÿ åååäíóş What to do, what is wrong with me? Why this Belize? Why not just read?
Why Belize? This is author style. Donetsk has always been so.
Stannum, this is the comment of the month, yes :-)