— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Can heavy metal be considered sinful? I have been listening to heavy music for a very long time and have not noticed any negative impact, but many condemn such music but not who so adequately and will not say what it is bad.

Listening to heavy metal is a grave sin. He who listens to this demonic music does not notice how he is stupid and forgets the most elementary things: for example, the rules of Russian spelling. And if under the sounds of heavy metal at midnight on Friday, the thirteenth, you read the opposite page 666 of the spelling dictionary, standing on the cemetery facing north, then Satan and Kthulhu will surely appear and cast the sinner into hell, where he will suffer severe torments for thousands of years, listening to the radio "Radonezh" and the choir of the Srethian monastery.
Truly I tell you, this was also written by Father Pigidius.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna