— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>> How nice it is to put a cat in the merit that he is not
He does what he does not have.
opportunity to do.
with a loud voice*
The original quote was not about the benefits of cats vs the benefits of young children. The little daughter too will not be able to give you to the nursing house and with about the same success will provide you with water as a cat.It was about that someone was more sweet when his two-year-old daughter meets from work, and someone - when a cat. There is nothing to hide in the garden. No one at this moment thinks, “Well, my daughter will grow up – it will provide me with a quiet old age” or “Ah, Vaska, you have no milk, no meat, no glass of water.”
Though, whoever you, amazing, knows 0_o

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna