— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A wild puppy ran around our base. You throw food - picked up, and in the hands did not go. And sleep in an old dog booth thrown into the forest.
One old hunter learned about this, and he told us, “Catch me this puppy, I’m out of it.”
I will raise a super-mega-hard hunting dog, and I will pay you well, because in the wild creature, there must really be
Great hunting instincts.
Well, a day or two passed, we drove like a puppy into his cabin, one put a bag at the entrance, and the other bended the cabin and shakes. Shakes, shakes, and there are no puppies in the bag? I looked into the bucket. Of course, the booth has no bottom and the puppy is already sought.
two hundred meters in the forest, and we still catch him at the entrance...
They laughed so well, yes.
And the puppy was then caught with the help of... a levelier, but this is another story.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna