— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Vichka-Spička: Yes, that the devil take the teachers and psychologists with their early development! I also feel like I’ve gone.
What happened, what are the nerves?
Our three-year-old daughter tells the horrifying stories in the spirit of the gangsters of the 90s about a good poor uncle who had a lot of children to feed and still a beautiful wife, but with dull eyes. Then he was put in prison, where he spoke to the birds. And then the evil uncle shot him, and he completely died, and he was buried in a warehouse... in a warehouse. And the wife went to another uncle, also a good one, and still gave birth..."
Mothers from the venue look at me with round eyes, like Sasha White’s wife, and they stop talking. And I am saddened to think that it was early for the daughter to tell about the duel of Pushkin and Dantes... And the whole family of Pushkin-Lansky’s underneath shouldn’t have been painted yet... And the poem “I’m sitting behind the roof in a raw prison” was obviously not for her age.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna