— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My story begins like many others.
I go on the route. Next to them are a grandmother, still not quite old and quite even cheerful, and a granddaughter aged 13-14. I hear their conversation from the end of my ear. Rather, like a conversation... A grandmother for 20 minutes tries to talk to a closed granddaughter:
Do you wear a hat or is it cold?
I wear it.
Did your parents repair the washing machine?
They fixed.
The girl clearly thinks that the grandmother is already as old as the world, lagging behind life and talking to her about nothing, and it makes no particular sense. Who didn’t think like that at the age of 14?
But the old lady does not give up and tries to touch a topic closer to the girl:
“Natasha, is your girlfriend studying?
He is studying.
Is she older than you?
and younger.
A pause again.
And then the grandmother, with the voice of an experienced spy, with a perfectly smooth and impatient voice, gives the sacramental phrase:
Do you do a selfie?
The granddaughter obviously did not expect such knowledge from the grandmother, because even the word "selfie" in the mouth of an elderly person sounds surprisingly... And when it is pronounced so usual... - you what, the word new learned?
And what to teach him, it is repeated from all sides. Dura is another.
Do you want me to do it with you? - offers a granddaughter, still not believing that ba was so advanced.
“Let’s go,” said the old lady with the same daily voice, not expressing her joy of finding the key to her youngest granddaughter.
“I’ll post it on Instagram and sign, ‘We’re going to Mega with my grandmother!"- Paints in his imagination a fun girl and then begins to tell his grandmother and about his girlfriends and about the school and about all his simple girl thoughts... She broke her granddaughter, she got her own. It seems to me that the younger generation underestimates the elderly: they prove to be far better psychologists than one might think.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna