— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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27019 (saved 2008-10-10 at 17:20)
<ZeRoK> Fuck, what do you think could happen to me today and only to me?

<Huk_Popov> I know you I am afraid to introduce...

<ZeRoK> I fell out of a trolleybus today

Imagine, I am standing near the door and decided to lock up, we approach the stop, I go away, I wait for the door to close again, I hear from behind that it has closed, and the trolley bus has gone, I have decided to lock up again... But who the hell knew that one half of the door has closed, and the other is late...

I saw you standing at the stop today! Guy, you are cool: a troll runs away, half-doors are closed, and from the unclosed half is beautiful so, with the grace of a sprinkled tree, your body falls out.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna