— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They borrowed! Families who are close to finance, are far from

They call and call with the same question.

- "will there be a default". At the same time, they are poorly aware that it is

Such a.

At first, I long and boringly explained to them that default is just

partial or partial refusal to fulfil the obligations

period and in the prescribed form. He gave examples of

How she borrows from her neighbor a hundred rubles until Monday

But on Sunday, it offers to return them on Tuesday or midday.

Half a day on Tuesday. They know what they do, but po

I have seen further questions – no, they don’t understand.

The case with the deadline moved only when it replaced the underlying asset.

Instead of marriage, marital duties appeared.

Oh my dear, let’s fuck you! No, my dear, my head hurts. Let it

Tomorrow!" is a deadline? It is default. Husband is dead? No is! recourse to

Refinancing of the liquidity deficit of a third-party lender

Temporary closure of liquidity deficit

similar assets (depreciated), written off debt (taken vodka,

Watching football on TV.

Or another option: "Dear, let’s fuck you! No, my dear

I don’t want to, but I’ll enjoy it!". A technical default? Yes is.

Agreement on mutually beneficial restructuring

of debt. Everyone seems pleased...

What is interesting is that everybody understands! and immediately!! The only thing that

unpleasantly surprised, so it is a very easy attitude to problems

The creditor is an attempt to imagine a husband as a victim of

Default does not cause anyone even a shadow of pity!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna