— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The most optimal - all kinds of hormones (and specifically women). But it is necessary to go to the doctor, and then go to the pharmacies to run a particular drug to look for.
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Who told you this? Read on the Internet? Are all people and situations the same, without exceptions? For different situations, there are different ways. Hormonal drugs do not go without a trace, even if they are normally selected. They require breaks in use from time to time. They do not tolerate forgetfulness. They are not suitable for everyone and not always, they have contraindications. So with regular sexual life, for example, if people live together, but do not plan to have children - yes, hormones are usually (but not always) a good choice. For a couple of young students who don’t know when they’ll meet the next time, and with the same partner or another, it’s unlikely. And even more, if a man wants to secure himself from the coming food - let him buy condoms, and, to be sure, keep them in an inaccessible place for psychotic fans. And this is about the "spotting of the needle" complaining already. It is strange to complain about the "ah" in the nickname is not so pleasant, and then to be offended that the greedy stupid grandmother was also not protected and demands something from them. Is the brain not working so well?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna