— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We’ve gotten a cheek, how much we can.
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There was only one pregnant girl in history: the Mother of God.
All pregnant women are women.
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The Virgin Mary was a virgin. She was a virgin. This is the key word.
In ancient times, the girl, after getting married, changed hairstyle and / or style of clothing. So it was immediately clear who before you - married al is not. It made sense to verbally share at least some, and they aged faster. But the walking girl is still a girl, even though she is clearly not a virgin. In modern life, a girl is nothing more than an appeal to a more or less young-looking female, no matter how many husbands and children she had. Words change meaning over time, following the realities of life, well, what’s not understandable? Officially, the married do not all wear rings, and all the virgins from the virgins you on the street how to distinguish suggest? Or are you to any older than 14-15 years, so as not to be mistaken, contact "dama, transfer for the trip"?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna