— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It doesn’t lie, it just doesn’t get stuck and says:

Therefore, men (and only men) were given TALLONS FOR CIGARETS, plus vodka coupons for all! And how they, the poor, will not satisfy their urgent need for drugs. And the grandmothers with their needs - what is there, will overflow. They are used to overtaking."


Sorry, but I think you are lying a bit.
In my city (Siberia) coupons were given simply to family members, regardless of gender and age.
As far as I know, it was the same everywhere.

So the prune, the pjlsta, the offended victim of male sexism.
==== is
The coupons were given to people, so at the age of 13, I legally got the right to buy 2 bottles of vodka (cognac, wine, tincture, etc.) How many packs of cigarettes a month? Only his father smokes in the family, so he was not stressed with tobacco. And the voucher vodka was generally the currency for calculations by a tractorist in the village or by the same sane technician, etc. And the need for it was urgent for any sober retiree.
The people do not remember routine things - on the other hand, the article on the wiki is fun: the restructuring economy through the eyes of its subject.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna