— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What kind of children are you raising? Among my friends (maybe because I chose to be friends with suitable people with whom I am interested?) By 9th grade, almost everyone already knew where they were going to go and did this closely. The methods of contraception and the consequences of sex were known personally. And no pregnancies at 16 and marriages at 20. I worked and studied myself from the age of 15 to rent a house with a friend for a couple. And, the horror, lived a sexual life. Married at 24 and children are not even in plans yet, we understand that we will not push.
But there were other examples. Those for whom mothers entered the institute, who under the threat of the death penalty were prohibited from communicating with the opposite sex, whose parents almost fainted with the words "monthly" and "condoms". Yes there. One such to 17 had 3 abortions in semi-dival clinics (and a bunch of related problems), another to 20 two divorces, the third two children and eternal scandals with his beloved wife.
Stop developing irresponsibility and infantility in your children. Treat them like adults and you won’t believe they’ll grow up.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna