— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Do you want to know who keeps the traditions? The men? No, there are individual men who hide their increased tendency to violence, but they are generally very few. And the vast majority of conservatives-traditionalists are grandmothers-grandparents. An enormous number of "Tichon Kabanov" quickly become normal people, if they are not caught by the sick Catherine to repent, and a normal girl, besides, of course, no matter how difficult the conditions of a young family are - the husband's mother-in-law must be imported from the house immediately.A month or two falls asleep that the mom made a homemade cheese, and the wife does not, but still rapidly evolves to the ability to independently find a pot of soup in the refrigerator and warm it up, rather than knocking on the table with a fist.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna