— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a conversation with a comrade, whose name is Paul...But for the beginning - a little prehistory.
At 7 Paul was sent to gymnastics. But the boy grew very big. And so, when under the influence of Paul began to spoil the first sports shells, the coach proposed to give him to another section. It is preferable to force". But his relationship with the struggle did not develop - he left there in 3 months. of pacifist beliefs. Paul was oppressed by the defenselessness of the rivals. Then he went to basketball, which he played until the age of 16. Then he finished school and entered the theatre... But, I note, the long search for himself in sport and sport in itself did not go for Paul. To date, its height is 207 cm, the weight is about 220 kg. There are three bottles of champagne in his palm. And it opens beer bottles without using targeted devices - it just scatters the covers with a finger...
And the conversation:
Paul: Here, they say, the area we have is unfortunate... hobbits, type, a lot... and I have not met anything...
I: Pash, you probably confuse the concepts of "hopnik" and "kamikadze"...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna