— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Beautiful and smart

Dinner with my wife at the cafe.
A little girl stood behind me.
Although it was curious, but for decency, I never looked around, so I don't even know how many girls there were and what they look like, but I heard their ringing, slightly drunken voices:

Don’t worry, Marina, you’ll find yourself a good man. For you my dear.

(The crystal bell)

- Good to tell you, you all have husbands, and I am the fourth year without a relationship. Even if you go out and scream, “Au guys, I’m here!”
If you sit on the pope straight, the man himself will not come to you and will not knock. I need to shake.
- Anya, it's good for you to say - "shut up", you have a Vitya, and by the way, why do you have a Vitya, and I have no Vitya? What is there in you that I do not have?
and ha ha! First, I am beautiful and smart.
Am I neither smart nor beautiful?
– That you, Marina, you are the most beautiful and the smartest of us.
I know. What is Important? One as a fool. How did you meet Vivian? Just on the street?
No, no of course. When I broke up with my ex, I probably sold my dad’s cars for two months: a BMW and a Gelendwagen.
Well, and what, and what?
- Well, what, one beautiful evening came by the announcement of Vitya: "Hello, you are Anna? “Do you sell Helendviggen?”
“Yes, I sell, go, he must stand on the other side of the house. My father parked him there.
We approached the car, Vitya walked around – “Well, not beaten or painted – it’s fine, now let’s start, let’s listen to the engine.”
I called my father, but his phone was unavailable. I say, “Sorry, Victor, but unfortunately the keys and documents are with my father, he has to be there minute by minute. Apparently, his phone was loosened. Let’s wait a little.”
“Well, okay, it’s not a question, just let’s go into the cafe, we’ll drink coffee, and we’ll see through the window, we’ll not go through when your father comes.”
So we sat down, got acquainted, then I called my mom to find out where my daddy was, and she told me that my daddy had flown to Bulgaria urgently and had mistakenly picked up all the documents and keys from Helik.
This is the story.
“Fast, fast, Anja, but where did your father get the seven BMWs and the Helentvagen, if he spent his entire life in the factory and his pension was lower than the plintus? You said yourself.
“Marina, I thought you were beautiful and smart, but it turns out you were just beautiful. I explain again, specifically for you: in our courtyard there was someone's BMW and someone's "Helik" here I gave an announcement of sale to meet Vitu.
Oh you, Anja and the hiccups...

I very much wanted to look around, to at least one eye look at the astute Anya, but I stumbled on the ridiculous look of my wife and didn’t do it...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna