— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sometimes it happens that two stand, listen to the third, one understands this, and the other is the opposite.

We gathered a long time ago with the whole family for May holidays. My grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle and cousin brother and sister, the latter younger than me by 5 and 10 years, respectively. Brother already served in the army, did not want to study further, and arranged a guard in the security bureau. Then it was a new thing, and he boasted. Her cousin had nothing to praise. From an early childhood, she dreamed of becoming a bride and going in a white dress and fate to a crown. All of her children’s costumes, drawings, games, school works were related to the theme of marriage. She counted the years, and by the end of the month until her promising age of 18, when she could finally get married. Her girlfriends glued photographs of movie stars into albums and wrote songs. The sister collected excerpts of wedding dresses, recipes of festive dishes, as well as useful tips (how to remove the nagar from the straw, etc.). And now she is 17 and a half, she has almost everything ready for the wedding, and the bridegroom is not in mind, aaaa...., tears of the river. Somehow reassured.

After the holidays, the brother went out to work and told the boys in the smoking room about how he was soaked in tears all the feast.
She is a 17-and-a-half-year-old girl, does not paint, does not smoke, does not drink beer, does not go to the disco at all, dresses in sweaters below her knee, collects recipes. Not my sister, but the outsider who will look at it at all!
The guys agreed and laughed at the backward girl. Everyone, except their security chief, who passed through the Afghan war, was wounded and shot himself, left the army due to his health and was simply protected from the new Russians, their wives, secular lions, wolves and other priests, whom he guarded. From the story of his brother he heard that there is still in the white light a good home Alenushka, not struck by the scourge of avarice, greed, empty ambition and arrogance. He asked to introduce, and then straight to the script: flowers, dress, wedding trip. A year later, his sister gave him a son, three daughters, raised them to school, and then entered the medical college and graduated with distinction. She arranged to work as a surgical nurse, turned out to be rare interpretative and soon moved to a private clinic on a part-time basis. But most importantly, she did not stop for a moment being a loving wife, a beautiful mother and an excellent hostess.

But nothing is eternal. Fifteen years later, her husband suddenly changed to her. Not to walk, no, I just started to rude her, to say offensive words, to reproach, to strike wrong. The poor sister could not stand for herself at all, only cried and melted in her eyes. And then one summer, having gotten another bite and crying, she decided to get distracted and go for a walk of dogs with her girlfriend. Their dogs were brothers and sisters, and although they were already very old and walked badly, they were still happy to meet. She calls her friend for a walk, and she tells her that her dog is very bad, does not get up, cuddles from pain, walks under herself. My sister begins to persuade her. My friend on the phone said the following:
Is it bad for kids to cry and sleep? And how, it is expensive to call... and where to put the body? In the crematorium? How will he get there? Who will bury him? Will we be arrested? Of course I will help you.

My sister said on her phone:
You can’t tolerate such torture and tears. Because everything is so bad, you have to make a difficult decision and put an end to it. No one has to pay, I will come and sleep him myself, I have strong narcotic drugs. Why burn a body that is buried as a Christian, yet a member of the family. In the forest and buried. I will give him an injection, he will go there himself, he will finally enjoy the sun, the grass, and when he gets tired, we will sink him and just there and bury him. No one will arrest us, no one will think of us, and no one will prove us. I will help you, and when the time comes, you will help me.

The husband, who missed the very beginning of the conversation, in complete ofgenesis watched how finally the broken sister took a sapphire scarf from the warehouse and a bag of medicines from the refrigerator and left the house, knocking the door. How can a monologue be understood by a man who has been on guard for 20 years?

From the rupture of the pattern, his brains stood in place, and he no longer offended his wife. She did not give a reason.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna