— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Can I tell you about my chicken too?
They called Sushka, because the bread was dried when they took it.So it was - Sushka, Sushka, the brother calls Sushnak (well, it is each about his, who got sick). Can the borsche chew or ask a child to chew, ice cream and corn sticks - for a sweet soul.
Of the huge number of selected one in the house remained, although jealous of the newcomers crazy, insulted me.
The eighteenth year breaks, and we all steal the sausages from the table and hunt for toilet paper.
In the asset - one of our daughters lives in a neighboring house, sometimes the mother comes to visit. In the passive - two jump-fall from the 7th floor, separated by half a tooth and a fracture of the tail.
Ageing, the vision began to change, the character bleak is made, and yesterday Rennie's pill from the mouth was asked. I had to share, Joe.
I wish I lived longer...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna