— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What is the noise outside the window?
The Coprofil Parade, sir.
and yes? And what do they want?
They are just defending their rights to equality, sir.
I did not understand. Does anyone eat shit at home?
No yes sir. They don’t want to eat it at home. They advocate that shit is sold in all catering establishments, so that at the crossroads you can easily buy shit on the stick, and in the restaurant without problems to order shit on the spat.
“But that’s annoying and not entirely natural, George.
Why then sir? It’s innate, they’re born like that and they can’t do anything about it. In nature there are many examples of coprophilia. Dogs, sea pigs, and a bunch of animals perceive this quite normally. Therefore, it is not surprising that humans, as part of the animal world, are also concerned.
"George, I understand rightly that if they get theirs, then in my favourite cafe on the corner along with the strawberry suffle will be served shit in cups?"? to
Absolutely right sir. Coprofiles are absolutely normal people and have the right to eat their favorite dish during lunch without hiding their preferences.
Oh my God, I just get stuck!
Sir, how can you do it??? This is totally intolerant. You will be fined at least for this, and you will be fined as much as possible.
...??? to
- By the way, sir, one famous psychiatrist at one time said something in the spirit: "If you don't like coprophiles, then it is very likely that you are actually also a coprophile, just hidden." I do not guarantee the authenticity of the phrase, but still listen to yourself, maybe you are waiting for fresh taste discoveries...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna