— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Careful attitude to the client.

It was Irkutsk, a distant year, 91 or 92. We, the company of students-graduates of the German language faculty, arranged another dinner. Despite the post-apocalyptic existence, scratched on the water and on the kidney surprise for our 4-year-old daughter, she loved them terribly. And it should have happened that there was no toy in this egg! The little girl was upset, but the fun students, quite well-known in the language of the conditional enemy, decided to write a letter to the German producers on behalf of the Siberian girl, which was then copied by this girl and sounded approximately as follows: "Dear uncles, who make children's surprises. I, a little girl from far Siberia, was very upset when I didn’t find a toy in the egg. Please make sure that children never cry when opening children’s surprises.” This letter was even sent.

Two months later, a package from the company came to the central post office with 10 toys in plastic cups (chocolate, of course, was not sent). I’ve never seen such toys again – they were special. And the letter, printed on a computer on a very white paper - "Dear girl from far Siberia. Our toys for children around the world collect smart cars, but unfortunately, even smart machines sometimes make mistakes. We don’t want you to get upset and we’ll send you these toys.”

Since then, I have had a lot of respect for Kinders, and I am still a little embarrassed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna