— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I decided to go home, took a ticket to the top shelf in the plate, a book, water on the road, and the desire for 4 hours of travel to get a little sleep. With me in the companions was a student girl, a man, under her, who read the book all the way, and a woman, 65+, under me, about her and my story will go. In the wagon heat 35 degrees or more, on the upper shelf is impossible, but when the window is completely closed, the woman becomes cold and she starts once every half an hour to check the window, if I did not open his such an ended herod, and she checks him knocking on the weight of the wagon themselves, after some time she ceases to like a bottle of water standing on the table, and she wakes the girl to clean it, at this moment I decided to go to the toilet, and upon returning they made me clear that my shoes should not stand here, here a 20 minute stop in Baranovich, and in complete silence you can hear how near us buried a man, to this run of the day with the words "how he had to" and "he stumbled on our moms, woke him up with some screams. In short, to say that she hated the half of the wagon is not to say anything... And the man is reading all in the darkness of the wagon his book.....And here our queen something did not please the conductor, which she stopped and began to report and here FERIA!! Our male puts the book aside, loudly on the whole car, with pain for all the years lived and longing for all his surroundings - "MARINA, BLATH, LIES AND SLEEP, ALL BLATH, HIS LIFE IS THAT CALCLE OF MEAT, THAT ISMORE COLD" and continue reading))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna