— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A mummy-doll specialist ordered?
I am the first and I am the second.)

1 1 Imagine it. Stalker Hemul of "Zones of Defeat" took the nickname in honor of the mummy troll, and the mummy troll is not a troll at all, but a white and furry creation from a children's book)
I never thought what I would say, but this generation grew up.

You won't believe, but the SNORK is also in this book ;) And it's not a mutant in the anti-gas, but a female mummy troll ;)

You will not believe it all, but the MUMY TROLLS are separate creatures, similar to the mummy trolls, but unlike them change the color depending on the mood (the mummy trolls are always of the same color, gently blue). The beloved mummy-troll Freken Snork is a representative of these creatures. She had an older brother, Sabrina Snorke.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna