— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I met a girl on a dating site. We talked for a few days until we talked about food in the shops.

Y: So they sell everything with chemistry. Foods, including bread and meat, are roasted with chemicals, soybeans, water
X Why?
Y: Because of money. Everyone knows this.
X: It would be surprising if foods were without water. I do not eat sublimated food.
Y: And U.S. products are generally contraindicated, but many eat
X: Fuck, did you review the first channel with Malakhov and RN-TV?
Fuck, eat what you want.
X: Well, meat from this is not harmful. It does not break from water.
Y: Everyone has his own. People are dead like flies, think why. I often go on TV and watch TV. Listen to what we eat.
X is her. I don’t want to see what is shown on TV. There are asphalt proteins and water atoms.
Y: And in the meat of the shale there is dog, cat and human sweet meat and full of liquid and chemistry.
X: And I’m swallowing the swallow myself.
Y: You eat and eat. I don’t care what you eat and drink. You are not my father and I am not going to live your life with you.

After that, the communication with me was stopped because I don’t know elementary and I don’t watch TV.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna