— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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But when you require a special attitude to yourself, to go to the doctor during working hours and so on, then you immediately cease to be a normal person, right? Pregnancy is not normal. There is nothing offensive here.
Fuck the shit.

On my first job, the designer came to work a little later every Monday (at the same time he usually worked on a "half-free" schedule), demonstrately put a bottle of minerals next to him and worked somehow or didn't work at all. At the same time, the entire office was trained on the theme of "designers on Mondays do not touch, he has a hammer." The situation lasted, I understand, for years, and he told me about it with a certain kind of pride in his voice.

The only woman in the team who got pregnant during my work there, the real "working horse", extremely organized and executive - wrote on her own shortly after it became known (the stomach had already begun to appear). After talking to the direct manager, as I understand (this other goat was). For all the time before her dismissal, she left her job to visit a doctor once or twice. Worked as usual and even more intensely (we lacked people in the state, we had to submit the project).

The office was covered with a copper basin, maybe somewhere in a year plus-minus (I didn’t work there, I don’t know exactly). And you know what? and divide.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna