"Because it is so accepted. Because there are informal rules, and they must be followed. It was and will always be.
In early childhood, children learn to distinguish boys from girls by hair and clothes. It is right"
Thank you, dear man, there has always been a suspicion that most people are mentally retarded, but so much?! to
I suggest from this and dance: "sick, you have a wave!", "Fedor Stepanic, let’s go to him? "Yes, but I first pi-pi", "What else "rose"? He is not in the rainbow! What do you think of color?" I taught it as a child, and that’s right.
Many disrespectful, according to official norms, if a person is not trained, he is given a reference, and by informal, if someone stresses you with his stupidity, then he is given a trip to a walking erotic journey.
More dangerous than clinical idiots are only initiative.
Mr Jablonsky –