— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I received a letter from an American friend with a joke that well reflects the moods of a certain part of the population

You’re old, you can’t take care of yourself, and the government tells you there’s no place for you in an old-age home.
What to do? You can apply for Medicare Part G.

According to Medicare Part G, anyone over the age of 75 gets a gun, one ammunition and permission to shoot one politician. After that you will be in prison for the rest of your life, where you will have three meals, a roof over your head, heating, air conditioning, a TV, a library and medical care. Do you need new teeth? Without a problem. Do you need glasses? Please please. Need a new joint, kidney, heart, change of sex? Everything is covered!

And who will pay for all this? The same government that has just told you that there is no place for you in an old-age home. In addition, you will get rid of one nonsense politician. And finally, once you’re imprisoned, you won’t have to pay taxes anymore!
Isn’t this a wonderful country?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna