— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the train to sleep with the head to the wall is necessary at least for safety reasons: if the train suddenly crashes or the driver drastically drops the speed, then you can also pour a hot teak on the person who sleeps with the head in the passage. It is better to burn your feet than your face. And by chance getting someone’s suitcase on the turf will be unpleasant.
There are cases and curious. When I was in university, I was in the studio of guides. And one day a lady was driving in my placard car, and she slept to sleep with her head in the passage. And in one of the neighboring compartments, a man was driving, who either stunned him or stunned him, but he suddenly felt that he was hunting, sorry, to chew. He ran into the sorting, but... he didn’t... all the appetizing content of his stomach was poured out directly on the head of that lady. There were screams! The lady had to go to the sorting room to wash her head, and I had to go to wash the floor. But it all went peacefully - the man was flattered and forgiven.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna