— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My girlfriend told a story. Preamble: A girlfriend has a husband - fat,

Bearded, constantly busy at work. In the evening after the works of the righteous,

He likes to sit in a chair, get a bottle of beer and talk on his cell phone.

The friends. She also has a son who was born of the same.

Husband by love. A child of one and a half years, smart, gives hope.

The story itself, from a friend.

I go with my son on the road. A young man sat in front of us. and thick,

The Bearded. My son looks at him with interest, but he is silent.

The man, setting up for a long journey, got a bottle of beer and decided

Talk about cell. And here a small man shone: 120 kg

Weight, beard and - a heavy argument - beer and cell!

Daddy and Daddy! The boy slapped and pulled his pen to a stranger.

The girlfriend guessed that the child identified, but to explain the situation

was polished. The man was nervous, staring closely at the child and

Suspiciously struck a girlfriend. I could not remember who this woman was.

I decided to remove on the cell phone of the supposed child and his mom. and then,

I would probably remember better. My girlfriend noticed him.

maneuver and began to grimace. The man is even more nervous.

That the child continues to repeat his "Papa!".

The end was not very beautiful: the man jumped out of the road, screaming

"X@y to you, not food!"

High and high relationships. One of the passengers commented.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna