— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In Daveca, a friend told a case in a large company where he works:

At the General Meeting, the Director (D) reports to the employee (C), who is the head of the department:

D – So, C, tell everyone at what time you came to work today?
C-D, you met me at the entrance and looked at the clock, what was the question?
D. I want everyone to hear it.
C - At 9-40 (working day with them from 8-30. the whole hall was swollen)
D – And despite this, you, Mr. C, are rushing down the hallway for coffee!
C - But after all, if the day does not start with coffee - you will not normal productivity!
A good coffee chef always stands on the table in the morning.
I’ve never seen anything on your coffee table. HDD

Applause in the hall, curtains.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna