— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The U.S. presidential candidate Trump is now a billionaire, but in general, in the world of American oligarchs he is rather a jump, he made too risky investments, and behaved like a billionaire, even when they were not. Starting a business project, he already thought of future profits as real, and acted accordingly. He was on the verge of bankruptcy.
He recalls himself: “Once upon a time, I was deeply involved in one developer project. Construction was no longer stopped, and the rental market suddenly collapsed. As a result, my fortune at the time was minus three billion dollars: exactly so much my debts exceeded the value of my assets. I then saw the homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk near my office and thought, “This man doesn’t know that he’s three billion dollars richer than I am.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna