— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I come back from work late in the car, and I gained a dull habit: to eat something from fast food for the night, in the end I sleep dull and the stomach hurts. To somehow disappoint myself I recorded a video in which I seem to tell myself that I am from the future, DO NOT DO THIS, otherwise tomorrow you will be very bad etc, all this with proper intonation, artistic and background music, I always come back at about one time, so I put this video to run by a timer in a smartphone that hangs on the glass. And everything was fine, until at one moment, I didn’t get to drive a girl to a colleague from work, with whom we have a long time already mutual sympathy. Well, along the way we got stuck with languages and not only... On the back seat we have the very height of the process, and here it means working a reminder. I really hope that the poor girl is well with her psyche, but her face I will remember for a long time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna