— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When my third was less than a year old, I went to the dentist twice a week, recorded for two hours in a row to get it done faster.
So, within five minutes from the beginning of the "session" I fell asleep with a sweet sleep :D with the mouth open, in which the teeth are treated :P
For the first time the dogs also decided that it was the magical power of their analgesic, they woke up. :D
I didn’t sleep, I woke up at the end of the session.

I also slept with the dentist, but for another reason: the doctor is great, not hurt, everything is careful and even gentle, and very polite. The doctor has moved. I do not like the new one. Everything is fast, efficient, but quality. The soul is lacking.

ZZZ: Students still sleep well, not only mothers. Wink: I slept standing in the subway while I was studying. When I fell asleep, my bag fell out of my hands. They slept well on duty. I slept for 5 hours on wheelchairs that moved away from the slightest movement. I managed not to move.
And one day I fell asleep when an older man, who was 1.5 years old, slipped on me. I get upset because I slept. I know I slept a long time. Suddenly I see a man in the window. 2 the floor. The house was painted. And the baby watched for 40 minutes for the uncle. :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna