— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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News "National protected Linux distribution Zora ready for implementation"
xxx: I don't know about the working capacity and protection, but with the names we somehow didn't know.
YYY: You have nothing in your head. Compared to Ubuntu/Ebubunu, Debian/Raspbian, Fidora/Pidora - the name "Zarya" is quite a different and Russian word.
xxx: It has managed to borrow in the names of streets, Soviet houses and other things, after the USSR. Have the other words ended?
zzz: I don’t remember any council houses, streets or distributors with the name "Popsik".
Let’s name the next distribution "Pupsique".
Instead of the repository, you can use "Larock". "Going into the larook, wrapped up with a new jeans and in the spring"will sound more impressive in the tram.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna