— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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by v_vodokachkin

My friend told me something really wonderful.

To the same debtor, living in the ordinary entrance of an ordinary house, came with their pragmatic goals delegations from two collector agencies simultaneously.

At the door of the intended victim, they clashed nose to nose and were unable to come to an agreement on the further procedure and the distribution of roles during that. Word for word, there was an unsettling fight on the staircase.

Everything would be nothing, but, in the trouble of the struggles with unpaid debts, in the neighborhood apartment culturally rested for a cup of tea a numerous male company (well, what about, after all?). The noise in the entrance insulted the hearing of the resting people, probably listening at this time to the melodies of Brahms or Vivaldi, they left the shelter of rest and in non-verbal form expressed to the violators of calm all the measure of their indignation. But this measure was not considered sufficiently convincing, and the collectors, unexpectedly hit the epicenter of popular outrage, were twisted and dragged, despite the attempts of resistance, to the point of reference. Where the mentioned area took them in his arms, rubbing his hands in anticipation :)

Such things. Do not go, citizens, to work as collectors - it is full of it!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna