— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sit at work. A fire alarm is issued. I go out and ask what happened. 11th grade exam. In order to destroy it, they burned something in the toilet or threw a smoke pipe. I never knew. A man 20 in the uniform of the Emergency Ministry, an ambulance, police run around the school. Firefighters could not be counted. Everyone has stupid smiles. There was challenge, there was smoke. And where unknown: In the medical cabinet used emergency seventh-grade students, quickly depicted all the symptoms of smoke poisoning. Doctors decide where they will be hospitalized. The children are looking forward to hospitalization. It is fun to ride a white car with a red cross. They are driven and released home. Then you can cut it for tomorrow. I was appointed to accompany. In the ambulance, everyone made selfies on the background of medical equipment and lay on cartridges. Feldscher says:
I am going to get the injections.
About the injections. and where?
In the ass.
In the ass? So that is....!!! to
I went to the toxicology department. They form. The kids call the phone, the moms call. And they: Well you came to the hospital - so polish, get examined. I see the twin has already starved and became even more pityful to ask my mom. Then they began asking back to school. is not set. Parents and all that. They were treated before the arrival of their parents. My husband and I went all the way back. Which we did not have today. Mossad and Special Forces. We need to organize with our own strength. All the children, all the children.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna