— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In general, to the subject of caring for the child and the man is a surviving boy.
My mom wasn’t frightened about leaving me alone. When I was four years old, I set fire to the curtains on the balcony. The good density of the material and the sense of self-preservation made me quickly extinguish the fire with my palms.
When I was 5 years old, I decided to put a naked fork from an old telephone into a rocket. I felt it was 220 volts.
He went to school from the first grade on his own. From village to city. 1 km. Walk to the stop, cross the road. Then 15 minutes by bus, then another 1 km. Walk through the city. (Only my mom showed me the road once and I went this route for 10 years.)
I went to sea with a friend for six years. No one was afraid of us drowning.
At the age of seven, he turned his head down from the second floor. No fractures or fractures. and luck.
At 9 a.m. on the desert, the carbide was wrapped into bottles of champagne. Comrade broke his fingers, a little hit me in the forehead.
At the age of 10 in the winter on sandwiches from the hills flew between the wheels of zila. Luckily, I managed to get out of the car. In retaliation he took my abandoned sandals, damn.
At the age of 11, he popped with a friend and his fathers for hunting. He accidentally got a crack in his neck. Fortunately, the artery was not affected.
At the age of 12 on the big from the mountain carried "without hands". I almost hit the bus. has passed. But that day I turned to him specifically. The scarring on the chest reminds me of today.
And then I took my mind and nothing like that happened again.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna