— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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1st Would you be a fucker all night? You promised it.)
I didn’t promise anything like that, but you promised me to sing on the guitar, promised, and didn’t play! Oh well!!!!!!!!! to
1st I’ll sing to you... Scuco!
1st I will sing until you get sick.
Then you’ll ask me to stop, you’ll close my ears, and I’ll stop.
Sing, and sing and sing! All the neighbors will come and pray.
You’ll shut my mouth, and I’ll still sing like you.
I did not pray!!! to
1st Then local dogs, cats will join me.
And even wolves will flee against my wrath, and they will stumble upon me without falling into my mouth.
Rhythm and tone.
1st And when I fall asleep, you will quietly burn my guitar and scatter my ashes.
wind, and breathe with relief... and see!! to
1st I wake up in the morning and start singing, but without the guitar!!! Believe me, it is
Even more terrible. The most effective thing you can do is shoot.
and me!! But then you will not be able to live without me, and you will follow me.
1st And there I will sing to you without stopping, and so will be eternity. It will be a real hell, and there, you will remember that you once asked me for it, and you will regret it very much!!!!...
2nd Well...trahatzzo, so trahatzzo... And don’t take the guitar, okay?and ;-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna